February 16, 2025
Nathanael J. Toews
Bryan County EMS
Critical Care EMT Paramedic
- Provision and direction of fast, efficient Advanced Life Support to the ill and injured. Utilizing all basic and advanced abilities and techniques including: the placement of peripheral intravenous and intraosseous access, needle decompression, endo-tracheal intubation, cardiac monitoring and ECG interpretation, defibrillation, cardioversion, and mechanical ventilation.
- Recognizing medical emergencies and making reasonable and acceptable differential diagnosis.
- Anticipating potentially life-threatening occurrences of non-cardiac emergencies and instituting the appropriate emergency therapy essential for the preservation of life.
- Dealing with the medical and emotional needs of victims of acute illness or injury with the goal of reducing morbidity and mortality.
EagleMed LLC
Flight Medic
- Communicated effectively as a nurse / paramedic team to provide patient care in critical care environments and transport patients safely to appropriate treatment facilities.
- Communicated with first responders to help relay pertinent landing zone and patient information to the pilot and other crew members.
- Gained experience on AS 350 B3 and B2 helicopters including flights above mountainous terrain, extreme temperatures, and flight under Night Vision Goggles.
- Worked with equipment such as ALARIS IV pumps, Revel and LTV Ventilators, Lifepak 15, and became proficient with Golden Hour charting software.
Calera Fire - Rescue
Captian - Training Officer
- Managing firefighters in emergency situations to provide the safest and
most effective situation mitigation possible
- Providing fire ground opperations and support
- Providing patient care as an EMT Intermediate
- Scheduling training courses and managing training records
- Managing the probationary firefighter program
- Managing maintenance and maintenance records of vehicles, gear, and equipment.
NewName Productions, LLC
Programmer / DBA
- iDepartment.com
- HotshotCoffee.com
- CaleraFD.com
- LukeBrosInc.com
- BuckshotsPaintball.com
- GoodingINC.com
- BCFireChief.org
Risenhoover Consulting Inc.
Programmer - 2008 to 2009
- Writing and maintaining VB based enterprise software
- Writing and maintaining ASP.net based websites
- Managing a 50 table TSQL database
- Various tech support as needed
Contract Programmer - 2008
- Writing a web based PHP / MySQL customer relations
management system called Choctaw STAR
SOSU Enrollment Management and Marketing
Web Development Support
- Authoring and maintaining XHTML documents
- Writing and maintaining PHP code
SOSU Help Desk
PC Technician, PC Lab Attendant
- Troubleshooting computers, projectors, and printers
- Helping faculty and staff solve computer related problems
- Writing and maintaining software to track inventory
SOSU Web Services
Web Development Support
- Authoring and maintaining XHTML documents
- Writing and maintaining PHP code
Internship at Cadence/ SpinCircuit 2002
- Quality Assurance testing
- Completed a web development project involving basic html
First Baptist Church
Technical Engineer
- Supervising technical team
- General Systems Analysis
- Developing PowerPoint presentations
- Set up and operate video projection system and PowerPoint
- Set up and operate sound and lighting system
- Set up and operate electronic video capture
- 2011 - CCEMTP - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- 2011 - SAR Tech II - National Association For Search And Rescue
- 2011 - Pediatric Advanced Life Support - Air Evac Lifeteam
- 2010 - IFSAC Firefighter II & Hazmat Operations - Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training
- 2010 - Prehospital Trauma Life Support - Air Evac Lifeteam
- 2010 - EMT Paramedic - Grayson County Community College
- 2008 - EMT Basic - Okalhoma State University Fire Service Training
- 2008 - IFSAC Firefighter I & Hazmat Awareness - Oklahoma State University Fire Service Training
- 2008 - B.S. Computer Information Systems - Southeastern Oklahoma State University
- Firefighter Of The Year, Calera Fire Rescue - 2008
- Rookie Of The Year, Calera Fire Rescue - 2007
- SOSU President's list - 2004
- The National Dean's List 2003 - 2004
- SOSU Dean's List - 2003
- National Honor Roll 2002 - 2003
- Who's Who Among American High School Students 2002
- Leader of Tomorrow Award from the State of Oklahoma 2001
Extracurricular Activities
- Flying - Student Pilot
- Hiking
- Running
- PC, X-Box 360 Gaming
- Volleyball